InVision Initiatives

Initiative (noun): A new plan or process to solve a problem or improve a situation; leading action to create positive change.

InVision Initiatives is a collective of non-profit companies, projects and action plans, founded by the InVision team, designed with the intention and vision of creating real, positive change in the world. Through Initiatives, we are committed to improving society and community on both a local and global level, with realistic plans and action steps - envisioning a better world and bringing together a team of like-minded leaders, wayshowers and givers who are ready to change the world.

There are two kinds of people in the world: Givers and Takers. The takers may eat better, but the givers sleep better.
— Marlo Thomas


Initiatives We Have Founded & Co-Founded:

We are in the process of creating new initiatives, and this is not a complete list. To get involved, please contact us.


Rescued Animals Rescuing People (R.A.R.P.)

Every year, approximately 2.7 million animals are euthanized - about 1 every 13 seconds. Many of these animals are young, healthy and adoptable. RARP (Rescued Animals Rescuing People) is a non-profit organization that is committed to not only rescuing these animals from shelters, but also training them to become service and therapy animals - making them more likely to be adopted into a good home. RARP raises funds to adopt dogs from shelters, who were planned to be euthanized, and employs professional trainers to help them become service animals for children’s hospitals, cancer wards, veterans suffering from PTSD, hospice facilities and many more people who need love. RARP was originally founded in 2015, when we partnered up with Big Dog Ranch Rescue (BDRR), the largest no-kill dog rescue in the Southeastern U.S to work hand-in-hand with them and launch our mission. BDRR desperately needed help getting dogs adopted and we had a solution.

Shelters only have space for a set amount of animals. When a shelter is over-capacity (which happens quite frequently) they are forced to euthanize other animals there. The animals that are euthanized first are usually older, less healthy, and are not trained - making them less likely to be adopted. Although this isn’t always the case, and many times, even healthy, young dogs are euthanized - a healthy, professionally trained dog has a much higher probability of finding a home, creating more space for the shelter to save lives. We handle all the vet/medical costs, the training and the rehoming fees. It’s as simple as that!

We launched RARP’s mission in 2015 by selecting Toby, a lab mix from BDRR to become our first service dog. His adoption fee was waived, and he was successfully trained as a service/therapy dog thanks to professional trainer Sean Kelly. Although Toby’s adoption fee was waived, we still had to raise enough funds for training, supplies (food and treats), and vet/medical costs. This was done by creating fundraiser events, where we held auctions, raffles and games to raise funds. We also created a crowdfunding page which raised $13,695 in donations, in just a few weeks. The remaining funds after Toby’s expenses were used to improve the BDRR shelter space, which involved building out 4 new dog runs, moving dog pens, creating new walkways and entries, treating soil, landscaping, and organizing storage.

What’s next? By creating additional fundraisers, events, donation websites, and partnering with more shelters, we can continue our mission of rescuing both animals and people who need love. We can also create merchandise to raise funds, such as apparel, jewelry, bracelets and more. We need all the help we can get to keep RARP in action!


Conscious Cafes

Conscious Cafes is a non-profit we have founded which provides information, tools and resources to help local cafes and restaurants (and eventually cafes and restaurants all around the world) transition to a cleaner, greener, and more sustainable space and business model. This includes providing information and resources for employee/staff training using conscious modalities involving conflict/incident resolution and mindfulness, as well as communication and leadership training, and information on sustainable living.

Additionally, we help cafes and restaurants in transitioning to all natural products (especially organic and non-GMO, when possible) including stepping away from all products that use artificial flavoring, coloring, artificial sweeteners and unhealthy chemicals. We help in transitioning to using all natural cleaners, soaps and cleaning supplies which are safer for both employees and customers. We help in transitioning to using cups, plates and cutlery made from recycled, compostable materials instead of plastic; and we help in setting up recycling bins where customers and employees can easily dispose of any glass or aluminum products in the bins, which are collected and recycled.

We help businesses switch to clean energy (solar and wind) when possible, and in cases where this is not possible, we provide a program to help offset the carbon emissions created by the business through their electricity and/or gas usage. Lastly, we help businesses partner with local (and sometimes non-local) charities to give back to those in need. Cafes and restaurants that we review and confirm are properly following these guidelines, can acquire a “certified” label to post on their website, door, and social media.


Global Wellness Project

Global Wellness is a project we founded in 2010 that originally started as an online training and e-course platform, providing a wide range of products, programs and courses written and designed by us, and also by many Best-Selling creators and authors that we partnered with. However, even since Day One of launching this project, the end goal has always been the same - to use the funds generated towards helping communities in most need of help and advancement.

Since the initial launch over 10 years ago, the Global Wellness Project (now known simply as Global Wellness) has shifted more and more towards becoming an official non-profit, however still currently requires funding to continue running the websites, e-commerce platforms, course platforms, and paying creators and authors that we partner with. We are now working on partnering more with creators who believe in “donating” their content, and allowing us to donate the funds and allocate funds for our mission. We are also doing this by creating more of our own content (in the personal development field) which allows us to donate 100% of the funds and allocate all the funds towards our mission.

Our mission, in short, is to help communities in need by using both the funding we generate, using current technologies and by advancing technologies. This includes providing clean, renewable energy using solar and wind, providing clean drinkable water using air-to-water generation and filtration systems, and offering free resources and training of everything from basic survival skills to personal development and spiritual growth. We aim to eventually also help provide wellness centers and free clinics, to communities in need.


Critical Mass Movement

Critical Mass Movement is a non-profit we founded in 2014 to organize and promote global, synchronized mass meditation which has been shown and proven to have real, measurable, repeatable, positive results. This phenomenon and relevant studies are all backed by science, thanks to the Heartmath Institute and Maharishi University.

The power of mass meditation to decrease warfare and terrorism has been tested repeatedly. The results produced by organized meditation groups groups (lasting weeks or months) have been consistently positive - with nearly immediate reductions in war deaths averaging more than 70%. In addition, one peace-creating assembly that lasted for several years was accompanied by a history-transforming wave of peace around the entire world.

Multiple studies have demonstrated improvements in a wide variety of social indicators - including crime, traffic accidents, fires and the stock market. These various measures ordinarily have no correlation (you can’t predict the stock market by watching crime statistics, for example). The fact that they all improved, together - in correlation with increases in meditation attendance, strongly indicates that these peace-creating assemblies radiate a generalized influence of harmony and coherence throughout society that can be measured many different ways. This information becomes even more significant, when considering the science of bioelectric frequency and mind-heart coherence.

Both our hearts and our brains emit an electromagnetic field - but the field emitted from our heart is noticeably stronger (about 5,000 times stronger). The field is measurable, using highly sensitive equipment, and has been shown to radiate about 8-10 feet from the body, as a toroidal field. This field and its frequency is strongly influenced by your thoughts at every moment, but even more so, by your emotions. Since this field radiates out, it also influences others when they come in contact with it. This means, the people around you, are strongly influenced energetically by your own thoughts and emotions at every moment - and vice versa.

The Critical Mass theory, sometimes known as the Maharishi Effect or the Hundredth Monkey Effect, has shown that, once a certain amount of people reach a certain level of consciousness, and resonate at a specific electromagnetic frequency (which as mentioned, can be measured with equipment, such as biofeedback sensors and highly sensitive cameras), this will affect everyone else's level of consciousness (LoC) and their specific elecromagnetic frequency - like a domino effect. In fact, there is not even any direct contact needed for this to happen. Others will be affected, even without any direct influence or contact. How this happens, however, is still up for debate - it is currently speculated that this happens through the "invisible field" connecting all human consciousness, sometimes called the quantum field, zero-point field, or simply "collective consciousness". The more coherence between the brain and the heart, the stronger the field that affects those around you, and vice-versa.

What determines a "higher" energetic frequency or LoC (level of consciousness)? Believe it or not, more positive emotions such as joy, love, appreciation and compassion towards others have been shown to create a higher frequency field - and as one focuses on a "service-to-others" mindset rather than a "service-to-self" mentality, this begins to shift the field of the person, and their frequency and level of coherence begins to shift to higher and higher states. This has not only many beneficial health effects (mentally, emotionally and physically) but also affects those around you, in a positive way, and then the people around them, and so on - like a chain reaction, eventually raising the collective frequency.

Simply, by focusing on shifting our mindsets, thoughts and emotions to higher-frequency ones such as love, joy, gratitude, appreciation and compassion for others - this will begin to shift the thoughts, emotions and mindsets of our communities, and eventually, the world. We are assisting in this by organizing and providing global mass meditations through our website and social network pages, as well as providing information and resources to help our followers and supporters increase their own frequency, LoC (level of consciousness) and raise their personal level of heart-mind coherence.


1 Piece Each

1 Piece Each is a non-profit that we have partnered with, and is a local community effort that we strongly believe in. The mission of 1 Piece Each is to clean up the oceans and beaches with a simple but effective campaign - “If everyone could pick up just one piece, imagine how much better the world would be today”.

1 Piece Each provides events and fundraisers, including community beach clean-ups, helps local businesses switch to compostable products instead of plastic, and helps set up recycling stations, as well as providing information and resources on switching to clean energy such as wind and solar.

Lastly, 1 Piece Each provides free signage to local businesses to help motivate others in participating in the campaign, such as a sign seen as InVision Cafe, which reads “Help Combat Beach Litter - A Free Coffee if you collect a bucket of litter from an area in need”. 1 Piece Each provides both the signage and buckets to businesses, free of charge.